Coerulea pulcherrima's at SDO

Coerulea pulcherrima's at SDO...

We have been really lucky over the years to be able to pull together a first class collection of different coerulea pulcherrimas.  Our breeding program has combined some of the best lines from around the world. We are really excited to be able to start offering very select divisions and some great new hybrids.  Check out our store for our new offerings. 

Phal. Yungho Gelb Canary - coerulea

(Princess Kaiulani var indigo X Gelblieber var flava)

Exciting new cross going into the lab.   This is a first attempt at making an indigo coerulea form of Yungho Gelb Canary.    The Gelblieber that we used was made with the same amboinensis that also produced the coerulea Princess Kaiulani's.  So we have every reason to believe that this cross will bloom out coerulea. 

Phal. Sapphire's Violet Sherbet

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Phal. Princess Kaiulai var Indigo

Princess Kaiulani var indigo is own unique cross using a very special amboinensis. The original cross was P. amboinensis 'Golden Dragon' X P. violacea 'Sapphire's Navy'.